Resolve to get started with coding

Being a part of a community is a great way to keep yourself accountable to your goals and to make your learning journey more enjoyable. You’ll be able to find help when you need it, share your experiences, learn from the experiences of others, and make new friends. Here are a few ideas for becoming a more active community member in 2023:

critical thinking

Every Appcode student belives in challenging the status quo daily to solve problems

  • Demonstrates skills in data analysis and modeling
  • Sees things from multiple perspectives
  • Has awareness of a broad range of concepts and ideas that have personal, local and global significance
  • Communication

    Appcode builds its student to be effective communicators

  • Demonstrates skills in data analysis and modeling
  • Sees things from multiple perspectives
  • Has awareness of a broad range of concepts and ideas that have personal, local and global significance
  • Teamwork

    Every Appcode student is adept at leading and functioning in teams.

  • Demonstrates confidence and humility
  • Has good interpersonal skills and engages fully with members of a team
  • Is organized and able to plan and follow through on complex projects
  • Curiousity

    Every Appcode student is inquisitive and confident, has breadth of knowledge, and has attained a high level of mastery in his/her chosen field.

  • Probes deeply and continuously in a chosen field
  • Keeps an open mind
  • Shows confidence but never feels he/she knows it all
  • Professionalism

    Every Appcode student:

  • Is respectful of people, time, and resources
  • Executes responsibilities with excellence
  • Takes ownership of his/her own development and decisions
  • Innovation

    Every Appcode student takes intellectual risks and thinks differently as a programmer

  • Demonstrates skills in data analysis and modeling
  • Sees things from multiple perspectives
  • Has awareness of a broad range of concepts and ideas that have personal, local and global significance
    • Street Address

    • Gbawe-Accra.
    • No 2 first atoom Kojo str

      Postal Address

    • P.O. BOX 5100
    • Accra-North.

      Phone & Email

    • +233 598044825

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